M208i adapted

Correct is what we do.
We’re not “off-the-shelf” with no options.
We do the options.

Take the M208i, a dual 8″ + 1″ model, shown here redesigned for installation within a church environment.
Standard versions would not work well why, because they’re normally equipped with fans.
But these cabs were going in to a church as delay cabs so, fans?
No thanks.
We adapted the module plates to take 30mm deep finned heat-
sink and the result is a working temperature of just 32 degrees C.

Front looks like a normal cabinet and 3.5m up in the ceiling the module can hardly be seen but, we know it will work for the customer and that’s the most important factor.

For your information this cabinet, when sold as part of the M3 System, is equipped with a 60° x 40° horn unit.
The installation we determined required a mix of 90° wide and 60° wide dispersion horns in the M208i delay cabs.
The accurate results have confirmed this fact.

The days of throwing in a pair of plastic cabinets to complete your local installation and then, hoping for the best have thankfully disappeared.
Blue Acoustic’s design team has helped to change a dreadful attitude to installation over many years and we now consider ourselves as a real force to be reckoned with.
Great looking cabinets – great sounding cabinets – affordable British cabinets too.

We get the message across and make the delivery system look great too so that your clients can then, get their message across.