Our warranty policy is extremely simple.
We will do all that is possible to keep you on the road or, your installation working.
What we cannot guarantee is that this will be possible at all times.
Please contact us the moment you suspect a problem.
Loudspeaker cabinets.
These are covered for a period of five years following date of invoice.
The exception will be the drive units and passive crossover networks where we operate a very simple rule that being; “you damage them – you pay for the fix”.
All non warranty repairs will be charged to the customer including return shipping.
Apart from that any proven faults from the manufacture of Blue Acoustic products will be repaired free of charge.
Amplifier Modules.
All amplifier modules used in Blue Acoustic products are guaranteed for a period of one year from date of invoice.
All non warranty repairs will be charged to the customer including return shipping.
This is the standard term set by almost all manufacturers of such modules and we therefore have little choice but to follow their guidelines.
Rack Amplifiers and DSP.
Warranty on these items generally varies between one and five years.
Once again we follow the guidelines offered by the product’s manufacturer although we will do whatever is possible to assist in the repair of any product.
All non warranty repairs will be charged to the customer including return shipping.
The warranty on Blue Acoustic and other products sold by ourselves shall become null and void should any of the following events take place.
* Repair or alteration by a person other than those authorized by Blue Acoustic.
* Exposure to or damage by association with moisture, liquids, rain or snow.
* If any part of an amplifier module is exposed rain, snow or any other liquid of any type or style.
* If an amplifier module is exposed to any substance such as a build up from smoke or haze machines.
* Mechanical damage of any description whilst in transit or elsewhere.
* Operation using an incorrect power supply other than that recommended.
* The purchaser, owner or a user does not employ a recommended mains conditioner for the sound gear mains supply.
* The purchaser, owner or a user does not employ a recommended sequential mains switcher system.
* The incorrect connection of a greater than recommended voltage to a module, dsp or rack amplifier input.
* Incorrect or added loudspeaker connections where the lower than minimum impedance causes a fault or faults.
* Repair to any product without offering an invoice number or date of sale.
Blue Acoustic cannot and will not be held responsible for any incidental or consequential damage.
Blue Acoustic will only take responsibility for the product as invoiced by ourselves subject to our attached conditions.
Blue Acoustic takes no responsibility for any loss due to cancellation of any events.
Blue Acoustic takes no responsibility for the rental of replacement equipment.
Blue Acoustic will not cover the costs of any type of replacement equipment whatsoever nor will it be responsible for the third party costs or loss of profit by any party.
Blue Acoustic will not be responsible for any other direct or indirect costs or losses however incurred.
Blue Acoustic is active in continued research and development and therefore reserves the right to alter, change or improve specifications and component use without notice.
This warranty is exclusive.
No other warranty is expressed or implied.
This warranty does not affect your statutory rights.
Please contact your supplier for specific geographical information as rights, terms and conditions may be varied or reduced in other countries.